DID YOU KNOW? A fun fact about Fire Hydrants

Have you ever walked down a street and noticed a blue reflective square/rectangle sticker stuck to a power pole? Or have you seen little blue reflective ‘cat’s eyes’ on the road? Have you ever wondered why it is there?
The answer is quite simple. They are there to mark the location of a fire hydrant. The blue reflective sticker on a pole indicates that there is a fire hydrant. The sticker will be on both sides of the pole visible to any direction of approach. The sticker on the side where the fire hydrant is located will be larger than the side facing away from the fire hydrant.
The blue reflective ‘cat’s eyes’ on the road indicate that there is a fire hydrant at that location on the side of the road. It also should be accompanied with a reflective triangle indicating the location. The ‘cats eyes’ are usually in the middle of the road and on the side of where the fire hydrant is located.
This is done for the Fire Brigade, to assist them to the location of the fire hydrants in case of an emergency. The use of a reflective material ensures the efficient location and identifying marker at night.