Why is fire extinguisher training important?
Having fire extinguishers in a building does not improve its fire safety, but it does improve its chances if employees/occupants are trained how to correctly use them. Since you never know which employee/occupant could be called upon to operate a fire extinguisher, make sure every employee/occupant receives training.
An effective training program should cover the basics of how to operate a fire extinguisher, understanding that there are different types of fires (classes) and not all extinguishers will work on them. If a wrong extinguisher is used for a fire, it can actually exacerbate the fire.
The benefits of fire extinguisher training:
- Employees will feel more confident in emergency situations.
- Employees will learn to look at the pictographs on the extinguishers before attempting to use a fire extinguisher to make sure they have the correct type of extinguisher for the fire they are trying to extinguish.
- It can reduce fire damage if acted upon quickly and potential save lives.
- Employees will learn the correct way to use a fire extinguisher using the acronym PASS:
- Pull the pin
- Aim at the fire
- Squeeze the trigger
- use in a Sweeping motion at the base of the fire
- The person operating a fire extinguisher is less likely to hurt themselves attempting to put out a fire.
- It is also a benefit for employees outside of the work environment. Once employees have received training in how to operate a fire extinguisher safely, owning a fire extinguisher in their home will increase the chances of surviving a fire and protecting themselves and their families.
Guidance needs to be provided regarding the decision to either fight or abandon a fire. It is all dependant on the size of the fire, the heat radiating off the fire, existence of smoke and/or fumes, location of exits as to where the fire is located and if the person is confident in attacking the fire with a fire extinguisher.
Remember if there is any doubt – get out!
The following are extracts of the Australian Standard 3745-2010 in relation to first attack fire fighting:
- Section 6.3.3 First-attack firefighting – Where first-attack firefighting by specific occupants is included in the emergency procedures, these occupants shall be trained to enable them to competently execute their duties.
- Section 6.5.3 First-attack firefighting – Where first-attack firefighting by specific occupants is included in the emergency procedures, these occupants shall attend a skills retention activity in first-attack firefighting at intervals not greater than two years.
When you organise your fire extinguisher training through ALL Ready SAFE, we make sure we cover everything you will need to know about how to safely use a fire extinguisher.
We offer ‘hands on’ training in a ‘live’ session where the trainees get to use an extinguisher in a controlled environment. Trainees will also receive training on how to use a fire blanket and hose reels (if they are installed at the location).

To organise your next fire extinguisher training session through ALL Ready SAFE, please contact us to arrange a suitable date and time.